Shit Just Got Real
Breakups. Makeups. Self blaming and body shaming. The power of She. Race. Childhood traumas. Spirituality and understanding yourself. This is the podcast where shit gets real and sometimes real uncomfortable. We hope to challenge ourselves, each other and YOU, through these conversations. We are grateful you are here. If there are any comments, concerns or conversations that you'd like for us to have, don't hesitate to reach out at PLEASE rate and review as you listen to the episodes coming up, nothing we love more than feedback from all of you! Welcome to Shit Just Got Real Podcast. Co-hosted by Taylor Dini + Alina Gutierrez
Shit Just Got Real
Let's Talk About Love... (you want it but are you ready?)
Happy Valentine's Day!!!!
The Shit Just Got Real team loves love. We root for it, we crave it, we embrace it, sometimes we even fear it...How do I know when that someone is THE one? How do I know if I really am ready for love? How the heck do I even get started?
This week's episode we cover all things love. Past relationships, successes, failures, growth, joy, heartbreak, and discovering how to embody the love we want so badly to receive. Join us, once again, to explore the ins and outs of relationships and challenge yourself on just how ready for love you might be!
We contemplated giving you guys some juicier details in this episode's bio but we cover so much this week that we decided we will let you all see for yourselves.
With love,
A & T
As always, we love to hear from you so follow us on social! @shitjustgotrealpodcast
@taylordini @alinaa.gutierrez
With love,
A + T
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