Shit Just Got Real

Mental Health. The Pain. The Process. The Recovery. The Growth.

Taylor Dini & Alina Gutierrez Season 1 Episode 10

Welcome back to SHIT JUST GOT REAL! Exiting Mental Health week we wanted to dive deeper into what mental health means to us. We cover our experiences both personally and with loved ones; and how we have dealt/are dealing with these struggles. This week's episode aims to normalize the conversations surrounding mental health. Check on your loved ones. Make sure your friends are ok.  Know it is OK not to be ok, don't let the cliche fool you!

If you or a loved one is struggling or considering suicide, help is available 24 hours. 800-273-8255

We love you! Love, T + A

@shitjustgotrealpodcast @alinaa.gutierrez @taylordini

With love,
A + T

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